Dealing With Deployment
These days it is more and more common to have your husband deploy very soon after AIT. Deployment is a very hard thing, but can also be a blessing on your relationship. These are some tips that have helped me this deployment and I hope will help you as well.
1. Communication
Before your husband deploys, sit down with him and tlak about your communication expectations. Sometimes it is not possible for him to write you or call as much as you both would like, but letting each other know what you want will help. If you are newly married or new with the army, it is very important to note that he wants to talk to you as much as you want to talk to him, and he will when he gets a chance. Sending letters and cards often lets him know how much you support him and love him, and keeps him focused! Pray for him, your relationship and his safety! Let him know you are praying for him, when you dont get the chance to talk, he will know before he goes to bed that you and God are keeping an eye out for him! Try to keep your communication as positive as possible, this will ensure he is not distracted from his current tasks.
2. When things get too tough to handle
Take it one day at a time! Talk to God about it, encourage your husband to pray as well. Surround yourself with like minded people and keep busy. Deployments are tough but the appreciation of your time together is worth every moment of waiting. A great way to pass the time is to make cards, write letters, scrapbook, visit family and friends, even get a part time job or volunteer. If you are feeling espeically down or having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about it, they are there to help.
3. Help!
There are a lot of resources available to you on base and off base. Get in touch with your FRG or even volunteer with it! If you have kids, most posts offer free child care one day of the month. Check out for tips on helping kids cope with deployment and also to see what is available to you!
Please feel free to add your tips!
God Bless