New to the Military

Monday, June 18, 2007

A whole new language

The military loves its acronyms just as much as us online folks. Here are some acronyms that i found very helpful in translating what my husband is saying!

ABN- airborne
AAFES- Army and Air Force Exchange Service
ACU- Army Combat Uniform
AIT- Advanced Individual Training
AKA- also known as
APFT- Army Physical Fitness Test
ASAP- As soon as possible
AWOL- Absent Without Official Leave

BAH- Basic Allowance for Housing
BDU- Battle-Dress Uniform

CASEVAC- Casualty Evacuation
CAV — Cavalry (Armored Cavalry Regiment)
CONUS- CONtinental United States
CQ — Charge of Quarters (aka guarding housing units on base form 1700- 0600 or 24 hours)

DFAC — Dining Facilities Administration Center ( mess hall)
DD- Dear Daughter
DH — Darling (dear) Husband
DS- Dear son

HQ — Headquarters

IED- Improvised Explosive Device

KIA- Killed in Action

MEDEVAC-Medical Evacuation to an aid station or field hospital
MIA- Missing in Action
MOB- mobilization
MOS Military Occupational Specialty
MP Military Police
MRE- Meals, Ready to Eat

NCO- Non-Commissioned Officer

OCONUS — Outside of continental USA, includes alaska and hawaii
OPSEC- Operational Security (aka the most important thing to keep in mind)
OSUT — One-Station Unit Training. Combination of BCT and AIT in the same place

POV- Privately-Owned Vehicle
POW (or PW) Prisoner of War
PT — Physical Training
PTs- PT uniform
PX- Post exhange

R&R- Rest and Relaxation

SF — Special Forces
SOP-Standing Operating Procedure

TDY — Temporary Duty
TF — Task Force

There are thousands more, which you can look up at
which include informal acronyms and slang terms. Feel free to add any acronyms you use!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Benefits and Extras for the military family

There are a large number of discounts available to the military family. As long as you have your military ID you will be eligible for most.

A great place to look before buying anything or going on a holiday is
They have a link to discounts from Airlines to to Theme Parks and everything else in between. When you are shopping, or staying at a hotel, ask if they offer a military discount. Several places do, and usually its a great deal. There are even some resorts around the world strictly for military. The costs are generally based on the military members Pay grade.

When it comes to living on a budget, all these discounts can really help. Often times you can find great prices at the commissary for groceries and everything else at the PX. If you live in a military town there are usually even more discounts available.

If you have the opportunity to check out You will see there are a lot of resources for you, the spouse! If you are looking for a job, there is a link to places looking to hire you, there are grants and information on Scholarships as well.

You can read up on coping with deployments there are even things available to help you children with deployment and dealing with being in a military family!

On a closing note, if you don't ask you don't know whats available to you. Check your favorite shopping spots, cellular carriers, hotel websites etc and you may be surprised!