A whole new language
The military loves its acronyms just as much as us online folks. Here are some acronyms that i found very helpful in translating what my husband is saying!
ABN- airborne
AAFES- Army and Air Force Exchange Service
ACU- Army Combat Uniform
AIT- Advanced Individual Training
AKA- also known as
APFT- Army Physical Fitness Test
ASAP- As soon as possible
AWOL- Absent Without Official Leave
BAH- Basic Allowance for Housing
BDU- Battle-Dress Uniform
CASEVAC- Casualty Evacuation
CAV — Cavalry (Armored Cavalry Regiment)
CONUS- CONtinental United States
CQ — Charge of Quarters (aka guarding housing units on base form 1700- 0600 or 24 hours)
DFAC — Dining Facilities Administration Center ( mess hall)
DD- Dear Daughter
DH — Darling (dear) Husband
DS- Dear son
HQ — Headquarters
IED- Improvised Explosive Device
KIA- Killed in Action
MEDEVAC-Medical Evacuation to an aid station or field hospital
MIA- Missing in Action
MOB- mobilization
MOS Military Occupational Specialty
MP Military Police
MRE- Meals, Ready to Eat
NCO- Non-Commissioned Officer
OCONUS — Outside of continental USA, includes alaska and hawaii
OPSEC- Operational Security (aka the most important thing to keep in mind)
OSUT — One-Station Unit Training. Combination of BCT and AIT in the same place
POV- Privately-Owned Vehicle
POW (or PW) Prisoner of War
PT — Physical Training
PTs- PT uniform
PX- Post exhange
R&R- Rest and Relaxation
SF — Special Forces
SOP-Standing Operating Procedure
TDY — Temporary Duty
TF — Task Force
There are thousands more, which you can look up at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._Army_acronyms_and_expressions
which include informal acronyms and slang terms. Feel free to add any acronyms you use!